Belonging Workshops
“Building frameworks for inclusion, belonging, empathy — we need organizations to be behind these social movements. Organizations have a responsibility to be part of social change. We need to figure out how to measure empathy and compassion so that it matters to the people in charge. Because it does matter, and it’s becoming a priority to the newer generations.”
Virtual workshops available October 2024 and in-person workshops available January 2025.
To get started, contact us at
Move on What Matters: What Does Your Team Need to Succeed?
Strengthen connections for resilient leadership teams and generate value by building belonging in your organization. Story-Sharing workshops help cultivate an environment where participants feel valued, motivated, and engaged with one another. This bolsters growth and psychological safety; encouraging leaders to take calculated risks towards innovation in a cohesive strategy.
Leadership will leave workshops with actionable steps to build trust among staff and enhance overall workplace culture. Individuals who experience belonging are 167%* more likely to recommend. A company culture where there is consistent, institutional buy-in to belonging will best leverage this fundamental human value for its business value.
Storycraft Lab’s proprietary tools are at the forefront of design-thinking principles that build innovation and organizational transformation. The Wheel of Belonging framework illustrates the business value and nuances of belonging across industries.The Belonging Playbook, produced by Storycraft Lab and the Google Experience Institute, is among our latest tools meant for design-thinkers.
Research shows that for a 10,000-person company, belonging can result in annual savings of more than $52M. Unleash your organization’s full potential in a culture of acceptance and social connection— discover the bottom-line benefits of belonging. A high sense of belonging among workers was linked to a whopping 56% increase in job performance, a 50% drop in turnover risk, and a 75% reduction in sick days. (source)
Performance and Connection: What Does Your Team Need to Succeed?
Build cohesive, high-performing teams— our workshops promote innovation and organizational transformation. Design-thinking principles build resilient business strategies, and Storycraft Lab’s proprietary tools are at the forefront of design-thinking. Our selection of workshops cultivate an environment where participants feel valued, motivated, and engaged with one another.
Employees who experience belonging are 167%* more likely to recommend your organization. This workshop will deepen interpersonal connection and support team resilience in practice. Our selection of workshops, including Story-Sharing, strengthen the shared responsibility for audience advocacy and cultivating this sense of belonging.
Storycraft Lab’s proprietary tools are at the forefront of design-thinking principles that build innovation and transformation. The Wheel of Belonging framework illustrates the business value and nuances of belonging across industries. The Belonging Playbook, produced by Storycraft Lab and the Google Experience Institute, is among our latest tools meant for design-thinkers.
Unleash Your Experiential Design Potential Through Audience Advocacy
Design for belonging; individuals who experience belonging are 167%* more likely to recommend. Experiential design processes where there is consistent institutional buy-in to fostering a sense of belonging will best leverage this fundamental human value for its business value.
Connected design teams; Story-Sharing workshops cultivate an environment where all stakeholders feel valued, motivated, and engaged. A well-told story builds trust and genuine peer-to-peer connection in audience advocacy. This bolsters personal growth and psychological safety; encouraging participants to take calculated risks towards innovation and ask crucial questions.
The Belonging Playbook, produced in partnership between Storycraft Lab and the Google Experience Institute, is the newest tool for engaging and impactful experiential design. The text is rich with recommendations for experiential design professionals based on our research on the nuanced nature of Belonging through a lens of events and experiences across industries. We have transformed these insights into a guide for incorporating belonging, in various contexts, in your experience design processes.
Coming soon!